Why it’s worth it
GREEN AREA SHOW first gardening show in Poland, with live presentations of the machinery and tools.
The Green Area Show is a pioneering event that has so far been missing on the Polish horticultural market. It has a contractual character, but what primarily distinguishes the Green Area Show from other industry events is the opportunity to present machines and devices during work, on specially prepared demonstration surfaces. The fair is dedicated primarily to professionals from the horticulture industry, but we also allow participation for retail clients for whom the topic of gardening equipment is also interesting.
Why is it worth being at the Green Area Show?
- presentation of new products for the upcoming season at a convenient time - exhibitors emphasize that autumn is a very good time for contracting for the new season
- the opportunity to present machines and devices during work - demonstration spaces allow free use of machines and presentation of their capabilities to everyone, which definitely positively influences purchase decisions
- the opportunity to confront your own offer with what the competition presents
- a selected group of professional visitors - we strive to prepare a substantive program of events with our partners, which will attract decision-makers from companies and state institutions
- networking with industry professionals
- convenient location - the Warsaw Horse Racing Track in Służewiec turned out to be a good host for the meeting of the horticultural industry, with convenient access from anywhere in Poland

Visitor groups:
- managers of urban greenery,
- representatives of renowned dealerships,
- landscape architects and gardening companies,
- hotel center owners,
- owners of private and public parks,
- golf course owners,
- garden center owners,
- retail chain employees,
- nurseries and owners of garden farms,
- road managers professional
- cemetery care professionals,
- professionals involved in the care of sports facilities, such as pitches and stadiums or ski slopes,
- buyers from abroad,
- private customers